Executive Partners serve as the direct link between City Partners and General Users. They play a crucial role in ensuring smooth transactions and user satisfaction

At Partners, we welcome you to join our team as an Executive Partner, and we've made the process simple and accessible for everyone. Here's a step-by-step guide to becoming an Executive Partner:

Gather Your Documents:

To start your journey as an Executive Partner, you'll need a few essential documents: - National Identification Number (NID) - Passport Size Photo - Qualification Certificates Make sure you have these documents ready before moving forward.

Registration Process:

Once you have your documents in order, it's time to register as an Executive Partner. During the registration process, you will provide your personal details and the necessary documents.

Access Your Executive Partner User Panel:

Upon successful registration, you will receive access to your very own "Executive Partner User Panel." This panel is your gateway to a range of tools and resources that will empower you on your journey.

Receive Your Unique Reference ID:

As an Executive Partner, you will be assigned a unique Reference ID. This Reference ID allows you to create General Users.

Build Your Network:

With your Reference ID in hand, you can start creating General Users and promote or boost any General User's post from all over the country.

Boost and Promotional Tools:

Access to tools or features that allow Executive Partners to boost or promote for General User’s on the platform.

Monitor General User Activities:

Through your Partners Executive Partner's Dashboard, you can keep a close eye on the activities of the General Users you've referred. The Dashboard ranks General Users by their activities, making it easier for you to connect with them and offer assistance.

Recognition and Rewards:

Be recognized and rewarded for being one of the top 3 Executive Partners in your area for 60 consecutive days, contributing to the platform's growth. Gain career growth opportunities from PARTNERS including training and more.

Earnings and Commissions:

Executive Partners can earn rewards or commissions based on their performance. Automatically receive a certain amount of bundle on your dashboard if a specific number of active General Users and posts are achieved, as per the company policy. This can be used for promoting or boosting posts of General Users.

Opportunities for Growth:

As an Executive Partner, your journey doesn't end here. PARTNERS recognizes your efforts, and you have the opportunity to advance further. Your activities may lead to becoming an Area Manager or even receiving a job offer from PARTNERS the team.

Growth with PARTNERS - Social Media:

By using the PARTNER social media, Executive Partners can establish connections with other Executive Partners and City Partners, that will help to collaboration and networking opportunities. Executive Partners can also use this social media to reach growth in five industries, helping their business grow and diversify.

Becoming an Executive Partner at Partners is not just a registration; it's an opportunity to grow, connect, and succeed in the world of online commerce. Join us today, and let's embark on this exciting journey together.